Monday, May 5, 2008

The Criteria (or okay okay, I'm blogging again)

Hello Fellow Foodlovers!

I apologize for the delay in writing. I've missed you. I've missed you all. Thank you for being patient. Deafula finally just called me out the other evening on the way to the Ghostland Observatory show (by the way: strobetastic!) about my lack of followthrough on the whole review part of this process. It is what I needed. Thanks friend. I warn you: I am lazy, busy and slow. This is a deadly combination in the blogging world, I fear. But together we will mush on.

Anyway, about the review portion of this whole task (I now refer to it as such because I am no longer disillusioned to believe that this is a little hobby). I will use the following criteria graded on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 3 being acceptable/average, 5 being excellent) to standardize the process:

  1. Atmosphere - based on Cleanliness, Comfort and Style (sorry Christy, I don't think I'll get a chance to use every bathroom, though that could launch a whole new blog)
  2. Service - based on Attentiveness, Friendliness and Promptness (notice I say friendliness and not cheerfulness-I believe cheerfulness can be faked quite well while friendliness cannot) I also want to add that while writing this I realized I am a fan of the -ness endings
  3. Taste - Quality of Products, Cooking Technique, Seasoning
  4. Value- When all is said & done, was it worth what I paid? I will also give each restaurant a $ sign for cost of basic meal ($ <> 30 dollars) I knew that one day those <> symbols would pay off!
  5. Overall-An average taken of all the above
I have also decided that I will give each restaurant a rating of 1 - 3 elephants based on my returnability probability. The reason for this is simple: I love elephants and I love the word elephants. 1 elephant means that I will only return if dragged by gunpoint and/or really really hungry and someone I love begs me (I am working on my unhealthy, gunpointing relationships..hhm hhmm). 3 means I will eat there so much that it may become my very own "Cheers."

So I guess that's all there is about that. On to the reviews.....

Happy Eating!

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